Blog Archive

Monday 16 April 2012




Now that Dazzle is over we are all taking a rest until Wednesday 25th April when we shall resume the regular Wednesday workshops at our new premises.   These are located at UPPER SEA ROAD next to Manor Barn in the Old Town of Bexhill.  There is a free car park and we have a waiting room for parents who come and pick-up their children.

As well as the workshops we are considering staging one or two plays, perhaps nearer to Christmas and, at the same time, looking to decide what show we might produce next year.  Those who come along to the workshops will be able to join in the discussion and the casting of the plays. The cost will remain at £1 per session.

On Sunday 10th June 2012 we have arranged a Special Workshop Day to be led by SARAH OSBORNE MA (education), BA (Hons) in Theatre Arts, who is coming down from Yorkshire to help us. Sarah is a professional Freelance Drama Consultant and Workshop Leader who has written and directed many of her own youth performances and has been commissioned by Wakefield Education Authority and The Hepworth Gallery amongst other, to produce and direct several projects. You can see some examples of her work on Youtube under ‘Yew Tree Theatre’ for which she is the Artistic Director.  I cannot speak highly enough of her work which I have witnessed myself and, I was so impressed I was determined to get her to Young BLODS for a day.

The day is planned so that those children from 10 to 13 years of age will have a workshop from 9.30 a.m. to 12 Noon, and 14 to 18 years of age from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Any adults and leaders interested can come and watch and take part in a discussion from 12 Noon to 1 p.m. designed to help us with future workshops and plans.

We have raised the major part of the cost for this Workshop Day but would like each participant to pay £5 towards the BLODS Hall fund.

Please let me have your name if you will be taking part, as soon as possible.  We need the numbers so that we can confirm the booking to Sarah but they will be limited in view of space.

Our new premises will allow us to consider extending Young BLODS and if you have any ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let us know. Perhaps we can consider, a different evening, or Saturday mornings, other shows or concerts.  Let us have your views.  You are always very welcome to talk to us and to help the BLODS, if not on stage perhaps in some other category (backstage, administration, hall maintenance etc.) there is still work to be done on the hall.  Please let us know and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

Please encourage Young BLODS to bring along their friends to see what we do, including the Workshop Day.

Finally a plug for the senior BLODS show – Elton John and Tim Rice’s ‘AIDA’ to be staged at the De La Warr Pavilion on 27th to 30th June 2012.  I promise you it will be spectacular.  Please put the date in your diary and come along and enjoy the BLODS performance (you can see me as the dying Pharoah).  We look forward to seeing you, and your friends at the show.

Best wishes,

Bernard Simon

Young BLODS Manager

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